A limited company in the UK is a type of business structure where the company has a separate registered entity with its private status, recognized by the Tax Office, Banks and all others.

Legal separation means that company directors and shareholders cannot take money out of the business whenever they want. The money the business earns from its activity belongs to the company, not to the individuals.

Company Accounts and Confirmation Statement must be filed each year and available for public viewing. Also every year the company must file a Corporation Tax return with HMRC.

We can help with the registration of your business as a Limited company and advise you on the types of reports, tax office registrations, tax rates, deadlines, tax planning and tax optimization, penalties for late submissions.

We provide the following services to the limited companies:
  • Bookkeeping
  • Preparing year-end reports and submitting them to Companies House
  • Corporation tax calculation and submitting the forms to the Tax Office
  • Payroll services, including producing weekly and monthly payslips. RTI reports. Preparing all the necessary forms (P60; P45; P14; P35, etc.)
  • CIS Registration and monthly reports, tax refunds
  • Calculation of monthly, quarterly and annual tax payments to the Tax office;
  • VAT-registration and managing and submission of quarterly VAT reports, MTD reports
  • Keeping accurate accounting records
  • Secretarial services
  • Consulting on financial reporting issues

    Наши расценки весьма конкурентоспособны, а высокое качество наших услуг является предметом нашей гордости.


    52 Leytonstone Road, London, E15 1SQ UK


    +44 20 8133 6887
    +44 79 8896 7392

